Welcome to Hay Private Irrigation District - Hay Private Irrigation District

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Welcome to Hay's oldest privately run irrigation distributor - Hay Private Irrigation District (HPID)

The Hay Private Irrigation District currently services 91 customers through 117 outlets, delivering non-potable water for domestic use and irrigation.

In 2008, the Hay PID increased its customer base and the facilities offered to its customers through the installation of a filtered water, stock and domestic pressurised pipeline. This system delivers non-potable filtered water to over 150 outlets throughout the irrigation district and surrounding areas.

In April 2016, the Australian Government provided funding of $10,204,564 to Hay Private Irrigation District under the Round 3 of Private Irrigators Infrastructure Operators Program in NSW (PIIOP). More about the PIIOP program can be found here.

HPID 2021/2022 & 2022/ 2023 AGM  
Wednesday 19th June 2023, 6pm, Hay Services Club
All welcome

For the interest of customers below is a link to Water NSW Water allocation Statements.
Here you can find the current allocation for both High Security (Stock & Domestic)
and General Security (General Irrigation).  OUr District is in the Murrumbidgee Valley District

In the case of an emergency please call
our On Call team on M: 0427 888 921.  
Ordering water, transferring water or non-emergency things may incur an on-call charge

Current Board Members
In the 2023 Hay Private Irrigation Board elections
the following members were elected:
Sam Barnes (Chair Person), Dean Whitehead (Deputy Chair), Tom Jarratt,
Brett Wade & Clint Headon
To read more about your board members, please visit the Board page.

The next board elections will be in 2026.
IRRIGATION PIPELINE   functioning as expected with no known issues
S&D PIPELINE   functioning as expected with no known issues
DO you want to temporally sell or buy some water? Contact us.

The water drop icon, below, will take you to the water ordering portal.

Once at the portal you will be required to enter your username and your password.

The history componant of the portal has been off line recently.  If you have issues with this section you may need to refresh the cache memory of your interent browser. This is quite simple to do.  Log into the page as normal, push CRTL + F5, (you will be logged out), log back into the portal and things should be working ok.

For more instructions about how to order water please go to our water order page
The links in our website function at their best via the latest internet browsers - Google Crome, Microsoft Edge (win10) ect. They won't work via Internet Explorer.

Below is a link to Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge is the default browser in Windows 10.  If you need assistance with these programs please contact us. 

"Let there be water"
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